“There Is No Longer A Need to Worry About the Security of Our Patients Data”

“In our line of work, we need to have very good data and data backup to protect our patient’s data. Now that CSU has set up our backup, I have complete peace of mind that it’s all safe and secure – and its great not having to worry about our client’s data. I feel that it’s much better to have a total backup solution that you just don’t need to worry about.

Having that backup through ABRA, a snap shot every 15 minutes makes me feel very confident that the information, if we ever had a disaster here, a fire or a power outage that crashed the server, or something of that disastrous nature, that we wouldn’t lose much information. It’s like an insurance policy for our data.”

Katie portrait Katie Practice Manager

They have given us foundational knowledge in the basics of cyber-security…”

“I knew our practice needed better Cyber Security measures, but we didn’t know where to start...

Fortunately for us, CSU’s Cyber Security Audit was exactly what we were hoping it would be. They have been instrumental in making sure that our practice is protected from today’s growing cyberthreats.

They have given us foundational knowledge in the basics of cyber-security, such as common methods of hacking, why small practices are being targeted by criminals, what a cyberattack could mean for our practice and how to prevent hackers from getting into our network.”

testimonial portrait Kerry Practice Manager
We Just Want Our Computers To Work

We have found CSU’s GridWatch service to be well worth the price. They work hard to make sure that any harmful computer situation is caught before it becomes a problem for our Law Practice. In today’s world, our computers are the engine of our business, we need them to communicate and make money.

Most people just want their computers to work the way they are supposed to work. I don’t want to have to worry about how it works, I just want it to work. My eyes used to roll into the back of my head when I had to worry about hardware and software issues. Now I don’t have too, CSU has taken that burden off of my shoulders. They monitor our systems constantly, which alleviates my having to worry about them.

testimonial logo Lisa
Our information is protected

Having a support company with the knowledge and experience dedicated to monitoring our systems is extremely important. With valuable information stored in our systems, such as private employee information and client information, constant monitoring ensures this information is protected and helps us eliminate unnecessary risks, which can be very costly and hurt our business. It gives us peace of mind knowing that CSU is alert-ed when any potential threats arise and allows them to take action to prevent any serious problems from escalating.

shannon image Shannon Operations Manager

“I cannot afford to have down time”

“I have been working with Computer Services Unlimited (CSU) since 1993. Chuck and his team have been very helpful in providing support for our network related issues. They take care of our server, workstations, and printers. I am a busy real estate agent and time is money.  I cannot afford to have any down time.  CSU handles any problems that arise.  They take the time to listen to my concerns and then advise me on the best solutions for our company. ”

pat Pat

"Ready for All Challenges"

"I wanted to let you know how impressed I was yesterday with your new employee, Will, and to let you know what a great representative he is for your company.  He is gifted with a calming nature, especially in the midst of uncertainty and unexpected challenges. He clearly loves what he is doing, is a “go with the flow” kind of guy, and seems to enjoy any challenges or opportunities to gain more knowledge. Plus, he has a joyful twinkle in his eyes that can’t help but make you smile in spite of his face being covered with a mask!"


Pender logo Joyce

"Great Technicians With Lots of Patience"

"Melvin has been absolutely wonderful every time he has helped me. He is patient over the phone, with me trying to explain in my terminology what is wrong with whichever printer, computer, or “blinky box”, and still manages to fix it. I am so thankful that he is able to fix our Avimark issues remotely while we continue to work with our patients. He has also visited on site during COVID (maintaining safety protocols), and worked throughout the entire day without breaks to install a new switch, new wireless access points and make sure that we had good connectivity throughout our hospital. Even when I am frustrated with a tech problem, I can still laugh with Melvin knowing that the concern is in good hands."

Charlotte Hospital Manager
CSU took the burden of network support off of my shoulders

I find the cost of GridWatch to be very reasonable when everything is factored in such as the security patches, updates, and support that my staff can directly call and quickly get help. It frees up a significant amount of management time that I used to use chasing down issues and trying to help people myself. It's also comprehensive, I don't have to worry about whether our server or any of our workstations is up to date or that I have to get involved if there is a network issue, which is a huge deal to us.

woman with dog Katie LVT Practice Manager
We Took the Leap to Have Our Systems Monitored Consistently

CSU was instrumental in defining deficiencies within our computer equipment and network. They provided us with recommendations and a proposal to watch our Server 24x7, something we had never done before. Now if our Server has problems, CSU knows about it immediately and is able to remedy the problems, most times remotely. In addition, our operating system is kept up to date, as well as our virus protection. All of this is done without it affecting our daily use of our systems. We have been very pleased we took the leap to have our systems monitored consistently and we are very pleased with the staff’s technical abilities and customer service.

dr luce Dr. Luce DVM
24/7 Support For My Staff

CSU set up all of our employees to be able to work remotely, from anywhere on any device. They provide 24/7 support for my staff and an emergency number to be able to get a hold of them no matter what time of the day or night.

Being able to work from home has definitely helped our practice. Employees who don’t feel well enough to come to work, but are not terribly ill, are able to work from the comfort of their home. It makes a big difference in employee morale.

CSU provides a great value to us from a service and management time standpoint. Their GridWatch service includes everything we need from updates and patches on our servers and work stations to 24/7 support for my staff. CSU provides the time and knowledge with this service, and is there for us no matter how big or small the problem is.

Having a support company with the knowledge and experience dedicated to monitoring our systems is extremely important. With valuable information stored in our systems, such as private employee information and client information, constant monitoring ensures this information is protected and helps us eliminate unnecessary risks, which can be very costly and hurt our business. It gives us peace of mind knowing that CSU is alerted when any potential threats arise and allows them to take action to prevent any serious problems from escalating.

shannon image Shannon Operations Manager
I Would Highly Recommend Them To Anyone

I have worked with Computer Services since the company was founded. I have always been more than satisfied with their services and pricing. I would highly recommend them to anyone needing computer services.

pat portrait Pat Owner
Their Skilled Team Works Hard To Ensure Our Full Functionality

The ABRA gives us the ability to function in an electronic medical record environment with the confidence that we have constant redundant backup.  We have already relied on this fallback server one time when we had to have a raid hard drive replaced on our main server.  The technology allowed us to continue providing patient care with minimal interruption.  The best outcome of using CSU’s ABRA service is having access to their skilled team for other IT issues that may arise in our practice.  In the example above, Chuck Sherman helped repair the hardware issue that we had on our main server so that we could get back to full functionality.

taylor with dog Dr. Taylor CEO
We Can Rely On All Of The CSU Team To Deliver Excellent Service

We are very pleased to have a great business relationship with CSU. Everyone is always very helpful and willing to answer our questions or concerns and are so understanding. We know we can rely on all of the CSU team to deliver excellent service from answering a simple question of why a printer does not print to a computer or server problem.

Being in the busy kennel business, when we need help, the CSU team knows we need it fixed asap and we always get that immediate service. Occasionally we had to call Chuck after hours for issues and he has kindly returned the call or answered his phone to reach out to help us. Thank you for providing us with great service now and in the years to come.

timmie Timmie Kennel Manager
We Are Pleased To Have Someone To Call In A Time Of Need

We are less fortunate when it comes to ‘anything’ in regards to the computer, printer, copiers, etc!  We are pleased to have someone to call in a time of need.  Keep in mind all of our ‘needs’ are the ‘most important’ as they are our everyday life.  So, thank you all at CSU for helping us one problem at a time.

Service for my clients across the United States

CSU provides computers for the X-ray equipment that I sell to Veterinarians across the United States. Every computer they sell carries a one – three year warranty. There have been very few problems with the systems, and the problems that we have encountered have been fixed quickly and efficiently with no down time for my clients. All of my veterinarians are very happy with the service that CSU provides.

testimonial portrait Tom President
The Thought Of Losing Our Data Was Very Scary

The thought of losing our data was very scary - that’s why we brought Computer Services Unlimited in. Had something happened, it would have definitely affected our business and the financial losses would have stacked up fast. We knew we were taking a major chance if we didn’t address this situation. It could have destroyed our company and put us down for days, possibly weeks.

Fireplace Solutions logo Diane Operations Manager
The GridWatch Program is Fantastic!

In 2009 Inova Fairfax Hospital Gift Shops and Treasure Trove thrift/consignment stores signed a contract for the CSU GridWatch Program. Our network holds a lot of critical data that would be devastating to us if we lost it. The GridWatch program is fantastic! It alerts CSU to any potential problems on our network so that CSU can proactively take care of the situation before it becomes a huge problem. CSU is constantly monitoring our systems to make sure that nothing goes wrong that would jeopardize the security of our data and our records. This enables us to remain productive and continue our sales with no downtime.

testimonial logo Sally Senior Retail Manager
Inova Fairfax Hospital
There Is No Longer A Need To Worry About The Security Of Our Patients Data

In our line of work, we need to have very good data and data backup to protect our patient’s information. Now that CSU has set up our backup, I have complete peace of mind that it’s all safe and secure. I feel that it’s much better to have a total backup solution that you just don’t need to worry about.

Having that backup through ABRA, a snap shot every 15 minutes, makes me feel very confident that the information, if we ever had a disaster here, a fire or a power outage that crashed the server, or something of that disastrous nature, we wouldn’t lose our patient’s information. It’s like an insurance policy for our data.

testimonial portrait Katie CEO
They Beat the Competition in Price and Time!

They did it again. CSU duplicated and delivered 800 CD’s, under budget and earlier than expected. We asked them to duplicate 800 CD’s in three days, they did it in two! This meant that we could deliver our training manuals to the troops earlier than expected. They beat the competition on this project by more than $1,000.00. You can bet we will be going back to them with our next project.

testimonial portrait Robin
Now We Don’t Have Any Worries or Concerns

Suburban Kitchens, located in Chantilly VA, has been creating custom dream kitchens for clients for over 25 years. We provide innovative ideas, quality products, great designs and excellent customer service. We employ 25 creative people and it is important that all of our data has a solid backup. In July 2009, we made the important decision to have a managed backup. Computer Services Unlimited suggested their ABRA solution. This solution has both an on-site backup system and a remote off-site backup. It takes a complete image of our server every 15 minutes. If our server were to crash, the on-site backup system would take over and act as our server. We would be backup and running within the hour, verses days or even weeks. Since the ABRA appliance was installed we have had to use it to restore some of our data. Now we do not have any worries or concerns about our back-ups.

testimonial logo Keith Controller
We No Longer Have To Worry

We have found CSU’s GridWatch service to be well worth the price. They work hard to make sure that any harmful computer situation is caught before it becomes a problem for our Law Practice. In today’s world, our computers are the engine of our business, we need them to communicate and make money.

Most people just want their computers to work the way they are supposed to work. I don’t want to have to worry about how it works, I just want it to work. My eyes used to roll into the back of my head when I had to worry about hardware and software issues. Now I don’t have too, CSU has taken that burden off of my shoulders. They monitor our systems constantly, which alleviates my having to worry about them.

testimonial logo Lisa
Easy, Secure Backups Save This Law Office Time, Money...And Worry

One of the things that intrigued us about CSU’s back up service through ABRA was that it was ‘worry free’. We knew we had found the perfect solution for our critical data that our network depends on, that our clients depend on, that we as lawyers depend on to do our work. Once that was explained to us, we were very enthusiastic.

testimonial logo Joan Operations Manager
They work remotely and are ready at a moment’s notice

We are a large staffing agency, providing nurses for INOVA Fairfax Hospital. Our staff is available to the hospital 24/7 and we have to be able to provide nurses at a moment’s notice. We are very fortunate to have found Computer Services Unlimited. They were able to stabilize our systems when they took over our network. They established a work from home policy for our company and trained our staff on how to log in remotely. If any of our staff has a problem, they call CSU directly and are taken care of immediately.

testimonial portrait Jim CFO
They take care of our server, workstations and printers

I have been working with Computer Services Unlimited (CSU) since 1993. Chuck and his team have been very helpful in providing support for our network related issues. They take care of our server, workstations, and printers. They take the time to listen to my concerns and then advise me on the best solutions for our company.

testimonial portrait Pat
GridWatch Service is Worth the Price

We are a busy, small organization comprised of individuals who have neither the time nor the skills to monitor their own computer usage, fix problems, run antivirus software, etc. Having this service provided by Computer Services Unlimited is well worth the price. Attempting to monitor our systems ourselves would cause much aggravation and waste time that we just don’t have.

No matter how careful your staff members are someone is going to eventually lose a necessary file or inadvertently download a virus. The members of our staff just don’t have the time or the skills to troubleshoot these types of problems. Particularly with regard to viruses, spam, etc.—these problems are getting worse as hackers are more and more skilled and aggressive. It’s essential to safeguard your data and your computer systems. Computer Services Unlimited provides monumental value through Gridwatch, as they make sure that we are 100% protected.

They recovered all of my pictures

We are so fortunate to have found CSU. We can call them from anywhere we are travelling and they respond immediately. I really like that they have live people answer the phones that can actually answer my questions! During a recent trip, my laptop was crushed. I was devastated and so worried about everything on it. I called CSU, we sent the laptop over night to them, they were able to recover my data, build me a new laptop and then sent it back to me over night. All my data, all my pictures, everything was there! They are fantastic people to work with. You can see my crushed laptop on their Facebook page!

testimonial portrait Barbara
For The Past Two Years, We Have Not Had ANY Down Time

The price of GridWatch maintenance is worth it. Before signing up with CSU’s GridWatch service I admit that I paid about half the price of what I now pay annually. I also only got 1/16th of the service!

I used to have to call our past company repeatedly just to get a response, then when they came it almost always escalated to a bigger problem--unrelated sometimes to the real problem--costing me even more money. It literally took weeks to get something addressed. The company did not share information well, so each time a tech came, we had to re-explain the issue and our system. It wasted my time and money. I had staff sitting around doing nothing because their computer was down.

Now, because of CSU’s GridWatch maintenance, we rarely have to call at all. They monitor all of our systems, and know when one of them is not behaving properly. When we do have to call CSU they let us know who is coming to solve the issue, what needs to be done and how long it will take. And they make sure it works before leaving! They follow a problem until it is solved. Their whole staff is helpful and they can talk to computer savvy people and computer challenged people!

Now we get regular maintenance--during times when we are not here--and our computers are not down. For the past two years, we have not had ANY down time. It is amazing what CSU can do.

We have been able to grow our business faster and my staff is so happy to have working computers!

We have upgraded our computers and our servers with minimal disruption.

We call them for a software issues and if we have a hardware issue the technician either has it with him or can order it for us--at cost. We have the same technician to deal with and they keep records on our system so we not only have backup, but can see what has been done.

testimonial portrait Bryn
Our ‘Up Time’ Has Greatly Improved!

Ah computers! We can’t live without them! So what happens when you have to live without them? At some point, at some time, something is going to happen to your critical data. Your server will go down or the work station of a key employee will go down. It could be from a virus on one user’s computer or worse yet, on the server. It could be the hard drive has had it or it could just be full. Your e-mail could get a virus and you can’t get or send e-mails. The possibilities are endless. Now your business is down. You can’t process payroll, can’t pay bills, can’t get out that deadline filing or report. What happens if this goes on for a week or more? What’s a week of work worth to you? What if you could have prevented it?

You can prevent it. CSU’s GridWatch monitoring makes sure that you are protected from viruses and hard drive failures. Their monitoring ensures that your computer systems run smoothly as they are supposed to, so that you can focus on your business. Our ‘up time’ has greatly improved since coming onboard with CSU’s management. I highly recommend it.

testimonial logo Joan Office Administrator
I Wouldn’t Trust My Network to Anyone Else

The entire staff at Computer Services Unlimited is helpful and friendly. I have never felt like ‘just another customer’. I feel they value my business and work very hard to keep our computers and network operational. We have been their customer since 2001, and I wouldn’t trust my network to anyone else.

I have been a happy client for over 10 years

I would like to share my experiences with Computer Services Unlimited (CSU) in Chantilly, Virginia. They have performed services on my various personal computers for at least the last ten years and I have been extremely satisfied with their professionalism and services. I have been so impressed with them that they have built my latest desktop and laptop computers. I highly recommend them to anyone who has any computer problems.

testimonial portrait Truman Retired Audit Manager and Operations Staff Auditor
They Consistently Exceed My Expectations

My business has been using Computer Services Unlimited for nearly 15 years. Their professionalism, effectiveness and efficiency to solve problems has always far exceeded my expectations.

testimonial portrait Steve

The GridWatch program has provided a one-source solution to our company’s server Back-Up, Firewall, Service, and Remote Access. All of our IT issues is one phone call away, and the response time has been excellent. Every call for assistance has been answered by someone who either knew the solution to my issue or assistance request, or forwarded me a knowledgeable technician or sales associate to provide assistance.

Terry Vice President

If a communication error occurs the CSU team is great at working to solve the problem and not gab about who did what wrong. They have a simple support request process and a focus on communication-- which all issues get resolved faster when people communicate.

Nancy Manager

CSU has experience and resources that handle our needs in systematic ways. The biggest benefit are these accessible resources that create a seamless ease of operation.

Tom President

My experience with CSU has been great. Everyone is so personal- I like that I get the same techs every time and I don’t have to explain our whole system and how we do business. I like the consistency. They communicate well and I never feel like the techs are talking down to me. They let me explain my issues in my language (Half English & Half IT) so I can understand how they can help me and what they are doing.

Tralina Manager