Answers to Your Biggest FAQs About Cloud Computing

In a recent post here on the blog, we covered eight big benefits of moving to the cloud for small businesses like the veterinary medicine practices, law offices, consulting businesses, and more that Computer Services Unlimited serves today throughout Northern Virginia.

We realize, though, that you may still have questions surrounding why making a move to cloud computing is such a great idea—and how to actually go about making the switch from hosting all of your technology on-site at your physical location.

After all, there is a lot of new terminology to learn when you're considering cloud computing, as well as many decisions to make regarding service types and configurations. The good news is that you can outsource this very technical work to IT support experts like us here at CSU! For now, we'll give you answers to some of the common cloud computing FAQs we hear from business owners and managers just like you.

1.  What's the big deal about cloud computing?

Because cloud computing has been proven to lower expenses for business owners while offering improved productivity and better flexibility for employees day in and day out, it has exploded in popularity in recent years. Although some businesses worry about the cloud's security, most solutions—especially hybrid cloud solutions—will actually improve data and network security and make compliance with government and industry regulations easier.

To get the full story on the pros and cons of cloud computing, as well as all the different types (pure cloud, hybrid cloud, point solutions, etc.), download our FREE Intro to Cloud Computing report now.

Download the Free PDF

2.  Why should my business move to cloud computing?

If you're looking to ensure that your business's technology assets are just that—assets (instead of a constant source of stress and unpredictable expenses)—you need to consider cloud computing. Cloud computing provides services like cloud storage, hosted servers and desktops, and cloud backup and file sharing, so you and your employees can work from anywhere, anytime. But that's not nearly all.

When cloud services are provided by a knowledgeable managed IT services partner (MSP), you'll never have to worry about losing your data in the event of a disaster since built-in data backup and secure data storage are part of the plan. And that means you'll be able to harness better productivity and cost savings over time.

3.  How can cloud computing benefit an organization?

Every small business is different and unique, but cloud services offer significant advantages to all. These include the improved productivity and cost savings we've already mentioned, but there are lots of less tangible benefits, too. (You'll want to read our article all about cloud computing benefits to learn more.)

Cloud computing makes collaboration between your team members much more seamless, which can lead to an increase in employee satisfaction. In industries where offsite client visits are part of day-to-day business, cloud computing can make this aspect of work much more accessible, too. The cloud provides instant access to information without you needing to be physically in front of your computer or armed with hardcopy handouts.

4.  Is cloud computing secure?

In short, yes. Cloud computing typically provides added security to your IT operations because it reduces certain risks. For instance, since data and software don't "live" on dedicated hardware in your physical location, theft and human error are minimized. With cloud computing, security updates to different components and services are also made as soon as they become available, so you are less vulnerable to cyber attacks and hackers.

5.  Can cloud computing work without the internet?

One of the most significant drawbacks of cloud computing is exposed when your internet connection goes down. If you lose connectivity, you'll lose access to cloud services, and it may be impossible to work. This hassle can be mitigated through using a commercial-grade internet connection and maintaining a backup connection (such as a cable internet connection if you use fiber). Additionally, you can always "take the show on the road" and go to another location that has working internet access even if your preferred working location is experiencing an outage.

6.  Who can help me with cloud computing?

Generally, a highly capable and proactive managed IT services provider will be the best resource to implement cloud computing for your business. Here in Northern Virginia, the specific answer to this question is CSU!

If you still aren't sure about your answer to "why move to cloud computing?" it's time to talk with us. We will provide a free network audit to help you understand your current technology challenges, and we will advise you honestly about your options to alleviate those challenges without breaking the bank.

Here at Computer Services Unlimited, we've been providing cloud computing services to small business clients in the Fairfax, Virginia area for decades, and we know we can help you find the right solution for your unique business, too. Contact us today to get started.